How can I thank you enough, Alex!
When we booked you for 2 days, one for work on my family's genealogy and the next for a tour of Timișoara, we could not have imagined what would have transpired. You helped me find my Grandmother's long lost birth certificate and unexpectedly reunite her family with us, lost for over 100 years.
And you still had time to show us an interesting and thorough tour of Timișoara. Days my whole family will never forget! Thanks again for all your hard work!
Linda Carr

Han estat uns dies increïbles a Timișoara, la ciutat, magestuosa, bull de cultura per tots els costats! Hem tingut molta sort ja que em trobat una excel•lent guia autoctona que ens ha dut pels indrets més polits d'aquesta ciutat! Si teniu plantejat d'anar-hi, no dubteu de contactar amb l'Alexandra del Timișoara Tour Guide!
Ivan i Irene
Badalona, Catalunya

Many thanks, Alexandra, for a wonderful experience in Timisoara with our group of 33 guests. Your guiding and knowledge of the city brought to life for us ‘Romania’s most beautiful city’.
Kevin and Nurcan Griffiths
GB Privilege Ltd - UK

Considero que hay un futuro turístico prometedor para Rumanía, pero debe de incluir a Timişoara y a su mejor embajadora: "Alexandra".
Rafael Sosa
Presidente y Director General
Amerifun Tours inc. - Miami, USA